Social media detox

I've taken a little break from social media as you might have noticed. :P It was a decision I made a few days ago because I just felt that it was too time consuming for me at the moment. There's so many things I want to do and accomplish this year and I felt that I needed to eliminate anything that is taking away precious time in my day to day life. I really want to use social media as a resource and I love connecting with you guy's but I'm very careful not letting it become a bad habit, scrolling away for hours...  I'm sure you can relate. <3

I feel that too much time on the phone isn't the right thing for me so I just removed the Facebook and Instagram app from my phone and decided to do a little social media detox. :P And I can say, two and a half days in to it... It's been great! I've gotten so much done, I've went to bed earlier in the evening and I'm seriously using my phone so much less.

BUT! I love sharing my passion for healthy foods with you guys so I will continue posting recipes here on the blog frequently!